Falcons Learning
UKPRN: 10090479
Mission Statement
Our Core Ethos
School Vision and Aims
Our vision is to provide an inclusive, holistic provision that will enable all members of the school community to attain their full potential, overcome barriers, and live happy and healthy lives. We provide an encouraging, supporting, and informed environment which is happy, safe and secure, caring and positive, with the aims of 'Every Child Matters' at the centre of our ethos.
Falcons Learning will:
Provide a warm and safe environment, in which all members of the school community feel valued and are enabled to become happy and confident individuals, who appreciate their own worth.
Design our offer in partnership with the learners and using the best current research to meet the learners’ needs.
Support and safeguard our learners and their families directly and with partner agencies.
Offer an appropriate, stimulating, challenging and enriched curriculum in a variety of environments, during the school day and beyond, which allows our learners to achieve their full potential.
Develop an ethos of high expectation, in which the achievements and successes of all are celebrated.
Develop skills, qualities, knowledge and understanding for life.
Create an environment in which individuals are empowered to accept responsibility for their own development.
Encourage mutual respect and understanding of others so that our pupils become caring responsible individuals, both within school and the wider community.
Steve Wash
BA(Hons)., PGCE, MA (Ed).